Lycopene presence in facial skin corneocytes and sebum and its association with circulating lycopene isomer profile


Effects of age and dietary supplementation. - Ivan M. Petyaev, Dmitry V. Pristensky, Elena Y. Morgunova, Nailya A. Zigangirova, Valeriy V. Tsibezov, Natalia E. Chalyk, Victor A. Klochkov, Victoria V. Blinova, Tatiana M. Bogdanova, Alexei A. Iljin, Larisa S. Sulkovskaya, Marina P. Chernyshova, Marina V. Lozbiakova, Nigel H. Kyle, Yuriy K. Bashmakov. (2019) Food Sci Nutr., Volume 7, Issue 2–9, DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.799

Continuous astaxanthin intake reduces oxidative stress


Continuous astaxanthin intake reduces oxidative stress and reverses age- related morphological changes of residual skin surface components in middle- aged volunteers. – Natalya E. Chalyk, Viktor A. Klochkov, Tatiana Y. Bandaletova, Nigel H. Kyle, Ivan M. Petyaev (2017) Nutrition Research, doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2017.10.006

Morphological Characteristics of Residual Skin Surface Components


Morphological Characteristics of Residual Skin Surface Components Collected from the Surface of Facial Skin in Women of Different Age – Natalya E. Chalyk, Tatiana Y. Bandaletova, Nigel H. Kyle and Ivan M. Petyaev (2017) Ann Dermatol Vol. 29, No. 4, 454 – 461.

Age-related differences in morphological characteristics of residual skin surface


Age-related differences in morphological characteristics of residual skin surface components collected from the surface of facial skin of healthy male volunteers. – N. E. Chalyk, T.Y. Bandaletova, N.H. Kyle andI.M. Petyaev. (2016) Skin Res Technol. Jul 18, do 10.1111/srt.12321.


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